LIFT Flyer
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
LIFT 1st annual newsletter:
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
LIFT 2nd annual newsletter:
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
LIFT 3rd annual newsletter:
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
LIFT 4th annual newsletter:
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish.
Dissemination notes:
Etienne Polge and Hugo Pagès. Switching to organic farming and to conservation agriculture in the Limagne plain (France). An analysis of the modes of access to resources mobilized during changes in practices
Agroecological Practices Used in Scottish Farming: Evidence from a Survey of Farming Businesses
Ecological Practices in Scotland: Comparing
Farmers Attitudes to Agroecological Farming
Short summary of LIFT results (French language)
Reports from selected stakeholder workshops:
LIFT dissemination poster (in French language)
France workshop of 26.11.2020 led by INRAE and VetAgro Sup (English language)
France workshop of 01.12.2020 led by INRAE and VetAgro Sup (English language)
France workshop of 26.11.2020 led by INRAE and VetAgro Sup (French language)
France workshop of 26.11.2020 led by INRAE and VetAgro Sup (French language)
France workshop of 10.02.2022 on vineyards led by INRAE (French language)
France stakeholder event (LIFT results presentation) of 31.03.2022 led by INRAE and VetAgro Sup (French language)