
Deliverables of the project are documents describing the research process, results and conclusions, prepared at distinct stages of the project.

Public deliverables of the LIFT project will be available for download as soon as they are approved by the funding agency.

The download will be available from this section of the LIFT website, as well as from the Cordis website (please locate the “Results” link at

LIFT Project deliverables (according to due date) – the underlined ones are available for download:

31.08.2018 D1.1 Review of the definition of the existing ecological approaches (lead partner: SRUC)

31.10.2018 D7.1. Website of the LIFT project (lead partner: IRWiR PAN)

31.01.2019 D7.2. First newsletter of the LIFT project (lead partner: IRWiR PAN), and the LIFT First Annual Newsletter itself

30.04.2019 D2.1. Drivers of farmers’ up‐take of ecological approaches – a conceptual framework with a behavioural focus  (lead partner: SLU)

31.08.2019 D2.2 LIFT large-scale farmer survey questionnaire (lead partner: DEMETER)

31.08.2019 D6.1 Legislation and political discourse about ecological farming (lead partner: SLU)

31.01.2020 D7.3. Second newsletter of the LIFT project (lead partner: IRWiR PAN), and the LIFT Second Annual Newsletter itself

29.02.2020 D1.2 Interactions with stakeholders on farm typology  (lead partner: VetAgro Sup)

28.02.2021 D7.4 Third newsletter of the LIFT project (lead partner: IRWiR PAN), and the LIFT Third Annual Newsletter itself

30.04.2021 – D4.1 Spatial dependencies in patterns of adoption at local and regional levels (lead partner: UNIKENT)

30.06.2021 D1.4. LIFT farm typology developed, tested and revised, and recommendations on data needs (lead partner: JRC)

30.06.2021 D2.3. Drivers of adoption of ecological approaches (lead partner: SRUC)

30.06.2021 D3.1. Farm technical-economic performance depending on the degree of ecological approaches (lead partner: BOKU)

30.06.2021 D3.2. Farmer private social performance depending on the degree of ecological approaches (lead partner: VetAgro Sup)

30.06.2021 D3.3. Farm environmental performance depending on the degree of ecological approaches (lead partner: KU Leuven)

30.06.2021 D3.4. Employment effect of ecological farming at the farm level (lead partner: UNIKENT)

30.06.2021 D4.2. Socio-economic impact of ecological agriculture at the territorial level (lead partner: UNIKENT)

31.10.2021 D6.2. Farm, farm-group and territorial level impact of policies on the adoption of ecological approaches and on the performance and sustainability of ecological agriculture (lead partner: INRAE)

31.12.2021 D4.3. Environmental impact of ecological agriculture at the territorial level (lead partner: KU Leuven)

31.12.2021 D6.3. Innovative public and private measures to encourage the adoption of ecological approaches and enhance the performance and sustainability of ecological agriculture (lead partner: INRAE)

31.01.2022 D5.1. Farm level sustainability of ecological farming (lead partner: BOKU)

31.01.2022 D5.2. Territorial sustainability of ecological farming (lead partner: UNIKENT)

30.04.2022 D5.3. Synergies between farm level, farm-group and territorial sustainability of ecological farming (lead partner: KU Leuven)

30.04.2022 D7.5. Fourth newsletter of the LIFT project (lead partner: IRWiR PAN), and the LIFT Fourth Annual Newsletter itself

30.04.2022 D7.6. How to improve the adoption, performance and sustainability of ecological farming (lead partner: INRAE)

30.04.2022 D7.7. Policy brief (lead partner: UNIBO)

30.04.2022 D7.8. Course module on the adoption, performance and sustainability of ecological farming (lead partner: VetAgro Sup)